Stardom: Hollywood Wiki

This goal follows Meet the Money.

People Involved


Film your first season of your show, The (Your name) Show.

  • Task Read script at agent's office, speak to AD at KTV and film your show

Note: AD means Assistant Director, who is Drew Cutestory. You also cannot co-star in this series.

Although you audition at KTV, the show will be filmed straight from your house. It will only take place at:

They will only take place in the first room of the house. You can still hang around your house, but you will only get credit for actions in the first room. You can still tap on pets and your spouse if you have any in the first room.


The (Your Name) Show
(Property of KTV)

Line 1: (Rival) wont let it go...

Line 2: Sometimes I think s/he has some... mental problems.

Time Limit: Time1 24 Hours
Genre: TV Tech Reality
Energy Cost: Energy 395
Blue Stars: BlueStar 330

Available Actions
Action Energy Cost Reward Achievement
ensure camera is rolling Energy 1 Cash5 None
discretely show-off valuables Energy 1 Cash5 BlueStar1 BigSpender Big Spender
get food for crew Energy 2 XP2 BlueStar1 None
wardrobe change Energy 2 Cash5 XP1 BlueStar2 The LookThe Look
show off your good side Energy 2 Cash5 XP1 BlueStar2 VanityVanity
outrageous argument over phone Energy 3 Cash10 XP1 BlueStar2 None
dramatize mundane activity Energy 3 Cash5 XP2 BlueStar3 Dramatic Dramatic
check makeup Energy 3 Cash15 XP1 BlueStar3 The LookThe Look
funny one-liner Energy 5 XP 5  BlueStar 6 None
monologue for video diary Energy 7 Cash15 XP4 BlueStar8 None
pose for product placement Energy 8 Cash30 XP1 BlueStar7 Shill The Shill
throw tantrum Energy 13 XP14 BlueStar11 DramaticDramatic

That's a Wrap!
(You are rewarded based on the number of stars you score)

5 Star Rating: Cash+227-1803 XP+100

Goal Reward

Cash+42 XP+17 Energy+2

Following Goal

Your Reality 2!
